Transparent Management

Pistoia Mountain Ecomuseum Association
Piazzetta Achilli, 7 - Gavinana (PT)
P. Iva/C.F. 01765470479
Iban IT 95 C 03069 13830 10000 0002 527

Member Entities
Municipalities of: Abetone Cutigliano, Marliana, Pistoia, Sambuca Pistoiese, San Marcello Piteglio
Province of Pistoia
Diocese of Pistoia
Union of Mountain Municipalities Appennino Pistoiese

The Pistoia Mountain Ecomuseum Association is the lead member of SiMOP (Sistema Museale Montagna Pistoiese (Pistoia Mountain Museum System), which includes Gruppo Naturalistico Appennino Pistoiese, Associazione Culturale I Tre Mulini, and Orto Botanico Forestale di Abetone.

The Ecomuseum Association of the Pistoia Mountains collaborates with the Region of Tuscany, Tuscan Universities, Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany, Superintendence for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan city of Florence and the Provinces of Pistoia and Prato, Carabinieri Forestry Corps, CNR-IBE (National Research Council-Institute for BioEconomy), GAL MontagnAppennino.

The Ecomuseum also collaborates with local associations to enhance the culture and environment of the Pistoia Mountains.

The Pistoia Mountain Ecomuseum Association, pursuant to Art. 35 of Decree-Law no. April 30, 2019, no. 34, publishes data on contributions, grants, and membership fees received from government since 2019.

2019 list of contributions
2020 grants list
Contribution list 2021
Contribution list 2022
Contribution list 2023


Download the bylaws and regulations of the Association

2012 Final Budget
2013 Final Budget
2014 Final Budget
2015 final budget
2016 Final Budget
2017 Final Budget
2018 Final Budget
2019 Final Budget
2020 Final Budget
Final budget 2021
Final budget 2022

Board of directors in office
President Alice Sobrero, representative of the Municipality of San Marcello Piteglio, appointed at shareholders' meeting on 02/22/2022, in office until 02/22/2027, allowance=0.00
Councilor Solange Farinati, representative of the Municipality of Abetone Cutigliano, appointed at the shareholders' meeting of 04/03/2022, in office until 04/03/2027, allowance=0.00€
Councilor Paola Ferrari, representative of the Municipality of Sambuca Pistoiese, appointed at shareholders' meeting on 04/03/2022, in office until 04/03/2027, allowance=0.00
Councilor Sabrina Malerbi, representative of the Municipality of Marliana, appointed at the shareholders' meeting of 04/03/2022, in office until 04/03/2027, allowance=0.00€
Councilor Margherita Semplici, representative of the City of Pistoia, appointed at shareholders' meeting on 04/03/2022, in office until 04/03/2027, allowance=0.00
Councilor Chiara Serni, representative of the Municipality of San Marcello Piteglio, appointed at shareholders' meeting on 04/03/2022, in office until 04/03/2027, allowance=0.00€

Previous Board of Directors
approved at the Members' Meeting on 12/28/2016 and in office until 12/28/2021.
President Manuela Geri, from 10/23/2015 to 02/22/2022, allowance = 0.00
Board member Alice Sobrero, appointed at the shareholders' meeting on 12/28/2016, allowance = €0.00
Director Davide Luca Ferrari, appointed at the meeting on 12/28/2016, allowance = €0.00
Councilor Piero Nesti, appointed by Decree of Mayor Diego Petrucci No. 7 of 09/26/2017, successor to Silvio Giannoni, allowance = €0.00
Councilor Alessandro Sabella, appointed by letter Mayor Alessandro Tomasi prot.0077537 dated 04/08/2017, successor to Elena Becheri, allowance = €0.00
(Piero Nesti and Alessandro Sabella took office on 09/29/2017 following the new administration of their respective municipalities)
End of term report

Permanent and fixed-term employees
In 2016, 1 part-time permanent administrative employee was hired;
in 2017, one part-time fixed-term employee from 2016 was retained (with 2016 Caript Foundation Work Grant) and another (part-time fixed-term) was hired with museum point opening functions.
In May 2018 stabilization two permanent employees.
The three employees have been working 80% and 85% part time since June 2019.
In July and August, an employee is hired to care for the Abetone Forest Botanical Garden on a temporary basis.
In 2021, from May to November, a part-time employee was hired through the Caript Foundation's 2021 Job Exchange; then extended until the end of January 2022.

Total gross personnel cost year 2017 € 40,831.16.
Total gross personnel cost year 2018 € 51,942.05.
Total gross personnel cost year 2019 € 59,618.33.
Total gross personnel cost year 2020 € 59,229.54.
Total gross personnel cost year 2021 € 80,788.93*
Total gross personnel cost year 2022 € 70,377.41.

* including TFR arrears transferred to private funds.

Collaborations under casual service contracts
Year 2018: collaborations were activated to No. 20 people for guided tours in the Ecomuseum itineraries, workshops and for the maintenance of the Forest Botanical Garden in Abetone. Total gross cost € 15,030.00;
No. 1 person for cleaning the Pontepetri Iron Museum. Total gross cost € 160.00;
No.1 person for Italian-to-English translations for informational materials. Total gross cost € 827.40.

Year 2019: collaborations were activated to No. 18 people for guided tours in the Ecomuseum itineraries, workshops and for the maintenance of the Forest Botanical Garden in Abetone. Total gross cost € 6,016.80;
Collaboration with No. 1 person for SIMOP establishment. Total gross cost € 700.00;
Collaboration for No. 1 person for English translations for informational materials. Total gross cost € 285.17;
Collaboration to No. 1 person for graphics. Total gross cost € 300.00.

Year 2020: collaborations were activated to No. 13 people for guided tours in the Ecomuseum itineraries, workshops, text writing, intellectual assignments and for the maintenance of the Abetone Forest Botanical Garden. Total gross cost € 14,219.17.

Year 2021: collaborations were activated for No. 15 people for guided tours in the Ecomuseum itineraries, workshops, text writing, intellectual assignments and for the maintenance of the Abetone Forest Botanical Garden. Total gross cost € 12,320.92.

As of October 1, 2022, Dr. Lorenzo Vagaggini was appointed as Director and Technical-Scientific and Organizational-Management Coordinator of the Ecomuseum. The term of office is for three years, thus intended to run until 30/09/2025.